
Current Research in Progress

Gross Solids in Urban Stormwater Runoff, 2020 to 2022

Journal Publications

Forman, M. Rebecca and Chapman, J.A., 2021, Three tips for creating an online course for nontraditional student populations. Ecology and Evolution, 00,1-6.

Chapman, John A., Gulliver, J.S., Wilson, B.N., 2015, Drag force parameters of rigid and flexible vegetal elements, Water Resources Research, 51, 3292-3302

Chapman, John A., Gulliver, J.S., Wilson, B.N., 2014, Flume instrumentation for measurement of drag on flexible elements under waves, Experiments in Fluids, 55:1715

Chapman, John A., Blickenderfer, M.M., Wilson, B.N., Gulliver, J.S., and Missaghi, S.S., 2013, Competition and Growth of Eight Shoreline Restoration Species in Changing Water Level Environments, Ecological Restoration, Vol. 31, No. 4 doi: 10.3368/er.31.4.359

Project Reports

Chapman, John A., Wilson, B.N., Holmberg, K., and Deering, E., 2019, Sediment Control Log Performance, Design, and Decision Matrix for Field Applications

Wilson, Bruce, 2014,Development and Evaluation of Effective Turbidity Monitoring Methods for Construction Projects

Wilson, Bruce, 2008. Design Tool for Controlling Runoff and Sediment from Highway Construction

Wilson, Bruce, 2006. Erosion Risk Assessment Tool for Construction Sites

Wilson, Bruce, 2003, Characteristics of Erosion Control Measures and Their Impact on Erosion

Conference Proceedings

Chapman, John A., Gulliver, J.S., Wilson, B.N., 2016, Flexible Vegetation Drag Force Estimation in Flow, 11th International Symposium on Ecohydraulics

Chapman, John A., Isensee, M., 2006, Stormwater Pollution Prevention Education Effectiveness, ASCE EWRI Water Congress Proceedings

Chapman, John A., 2005, Coastal Problems in Iceland: Increasing Awareness of Hazards through Stories, ASCE Solutions to Coastal Disasters 2005 Conference Proceedings, pp 723-741

Other Publications

Certifying Success: The University of Minnesota's Erosion and Stormwater Management Program celebrates 18 years of Operation. Stormwater Magazine, November 13, 2020.

Forman, M. Rebecca, Safely and effectively controlling sediment with curb inlet protection - is it possible? IECA Environmental Connection Magazine, April/May 2020.